i had my braces taken off last thursday, and it felt really good.
then i got my retainer on sunday. i have to wear it for 3 months, day and night. after that, 18 months but at night only.
i'm not in any mood to put up any photos but just know that my teeth are near-perfect. they're just really yellow. teehee~ (and yes, i do brush my teeth three times a day)
the retainer takes time getting used to as evidenced by my inability to speak coherently.
oh btw? i now speak with a LISP.
i made new york cheesecake on sunday and it was really dense and creamy. i guess that's what you get when you use 1kg of cream cheese. it was quite delicious and turned out better than i had expected, seeing how it was my first time; and i bet one slice was enough to satisfy the most extreme cheesecake enthusiast. i brought a few slices to school today. yummy, they said. that made my day. now i can cross successfully make a cheesecake off my life's to-do list.
i'm currently writing a short story. it involves zombies. i know it's quite a typical and run-of-the-mill kind of survival story but please, humour me awhile. now i'm just trying to decide whether my characters should survive or die horrible bloody, gory deaths.
suddenly, i want ice-cream.
i have this certain nagging feeling at the back of my head, telling me i have so much to do. more specifically, telling me to study. thing is, i'm not doing anything of that sort, which obviously concerns me. sigh. i have to buck up and start taking this seriously. and i'm falling sick, which doesnt really help my situation. sneeze sniffle cough
good luck with all that.